Wound Care Clinic

Comprehensive Wound Healing is Our Specialty!

We are a specialized outpatient wound care treatment center dedicated to the care of patients with wounds. Wounds that are hard to heal and/or non-healing may be a result of pressure, trauma, or infection. Sometimes, the simplest of wounds can turn into a significant problem due to underlying conditions such as diabetes, circulation problems, or previous radiation treatment. Since non-healing wounds rarely result from a single cause, we treat the whole person, not just the wound. Our team of experienced wound care specialists will assess your symptoms, determine the underlying cause of your non-healing wound, and customize the most effective treatment plan to stimulate healing.

Our treatment plans are designed to complement the care your doctor provides, ensuring that your health team is always working together to provide the right treatment for you.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you could benefit from advanced wound care:

Advanced wound care may include:

We treat all wounds, but specialize in those that are slow or difficult to heal!

Non-healing wounds can have serious health consequences and may adversely affect your quality of life. If you have a wound or an ulcer that is not healing, or any wound that is of concern, contact us today. No referral needed! Even the most difficult wounds, which have not responded to other treatments, may see significant improvement at our Wound Care Clinic, so call (877)295-2273 to find out how we can help you start healing today!

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Wound Care Clinic